Why You Need Seat Cover Dispensers in Your Restroom

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that Salmonella causes one million foodborne illnesses annually in the United States. In a report concerning the survival of Salmonella in bathrooms and toilets, J. E. Barker of Aston University argues that the bacteria persist in the biofilm material found under the recess of the toilet bowl rim, and certain strains can persist in a toilet for up to four weeks. According to these findings, it should not come as a surprise as to why you need seat cover dispensers in your restroom. In this article, we examine the efficacy of toilet seat covers and the prevention of contamination in public facilities.

Seat covers are proven to reduce toilet stall contamination and many designs are mandated by state laws or local health ordinances. To ensure you and your facility are compliant with any local or state requirements, you should contact the appropriate authorities or public health department for more information. Seat cover dispensers are typically available in recessed or partition-mounted designs. Recessed models are affordable and made of metal for superior resistance to corrosion, chemical damage, and heat. Partition-mounted dispensers are versatile, and many models combine the convenience of toilet paper, a feminine hygiene receptacle, and toilet seat covers.

A study published in Pediatrics found that “exposure to wooden toilet seats and associated varnish, lacquers, and paints led to the development of an allergic contact dermatitis on the buttocks and posterior thighs.” Although most commercial restroom surfaces foster bacteria and microbes, dermatitis and similar conditions are just a few of the reasons why you need seat cover dispensers in your restroom to prevent contact and translocation.

Once you realize why you need seat cover dispensers in your restroom, it is essential to install them properly to meet ADA accessibility guidelines. Providing toilet seat covers can help prevent the transmission of common illnesses and conditions that individuals contract through direct contact with a contaminated surface. Although the toilet seat is not the most common vehicle for transmitting infections, bacteria evolves quickly and new variants are discovered each day.

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